As the trusted HVAC experts in your community, we understand the pivotal role that a reliable boiler plays in ensuring your home stays warm and comfortable. With the winter season drawing to a close, it’s an opportune time to assess the condition of your boiler and ponder a critical question: Is this the year you replace it? Or is it better to continue with boiler repair in Brighton, MI?
First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Replacement’
Your Boiler’s Lifespan—Is This the Year You Replace It?
Monday, March 11th, 2024Basic Questions to Ask About Your Home’s Heating Performance This Winter
Monday, March 14th, 2022As winter wraps up and people start looking forward to using their air conditioning systems, we recommend homeowners take time to consider their heating. True, you soon won’t need to have your heating system running, but spring offers an opportunity to make upgrades, repairs, and even full system replacements to a heater.
So in this post, we want to help you consider how well your heater performed through the winter it just went through. This can help you decide if you need to call us for critical HVAC service in Brighton, MI during spring, when you can take advantage of the slower schedule for HVAC technicians and the milder weather.
Is That Furnace Repair Worth the Cost?
Monday, February 28th, 2022
rustic old furnace
If an expensive appliance in your home breaks, your first thought won’t be to simply toss it out but to have it professionally repaired. Life would get extremely expensive if you kept replacing dishwashers, refrigerators, furnaces, and air conditioners the moment they showed signs of trouble.
On the other hand, all appliances have life cycles and will not last forever. As an appliance ages, it will accrue more repairs and begin to work less effectively and efficiently. At a certain point, you’ll have to make the choice about investing in another repair or getting a new appliance.
We’re experts when it comes to furnace repair in Burton, MI, so we can help you understand when it’s worthwhile to repair an old furnace and when it’s time to move on with a new one.
If Your Heating Bills Seemed Too High Last Winter…
Monday, November 8th, 2021If you looked at your heating bills during the previous winter and wondered why they seemed higher than normal, this post can help. We know you probably spent more time in your home last winter than usual (pretty much everyone did), so that will account for some of the increase in how much you paid for heat. But if you factor out that, as well as any rise in energy costs, and the price still seems too steep, then there are several steps you can take.
Is Your Furnace Older Than 15 Years? We Have Some Vital Advice!
Monday, October 25th, 2021A common question we hear from customers is when to replace their natural gas furnace. Homeowners want to get the most years possible out of their investment in a central heating system, but they also know that no furnace can last forever. At some point, a furnace will become less effective, less energy efficient, and even less safe. At what point is a furnace replacement ready?
There are several factors that can help tell you when a furnace needs to be replaced, such as regular malfunctions and soaring heating bills. But one solid determining factor is the furnace’s age. If you have a gas furnace that is older than fifteen years, our advice is to replace it. And we’re not the only people offering this same advice…
Planning Your Future With (Or Without) Your Current Furnace
Monday, April 12th, 2021As we switch into spring and focus on air conditioning systems, it’s easy to forget about the furnaces that just put in a hard winter keeping our homes warm. Now, your furnace doesn’t have feelings, but we recommend you give some thought to its future at this time—such as whether it has a future in your house.
Spring is a good time to take advantage of warmer weather and the less crowded schedules of HVAC technicians to make major changes to how you heat your home. Maybe you can get that important furnace repair in Howell, MI done that you’ve been putting off. Or maybe it’s time to finally get a new furnace, or even another type of heating system.
How Long Can My Boiler Last?
Monday, March 29th, 2021One of the major benefits of using a hydronic boiler to provide heat to your house is that these systems often last longer than standard forced-air heaters such as furnaces and heat pumps. Boilers do not contain as many moving mechanical parts as forced-air heaters, and this slows down the speed at which they age.
But no boiler can last forever—yours will need to be replaced eventually. But when? How many years can you expect to get out of your current boiler before you get a new one?
As with all questions about the longevity of a heating system, the answer is “It depends.” Several factors affect the service life of a boiler, such as maintenance, repair, and its type. We’ll try to give you a short overview to help you consider the future of your home heating.
Your Heating Future: Is It a Condensing Furnace?
Monday, March 15th, 2021As we enter the final stretch of winter, we recommend you think about how your heating system performed and if you’ll need to have it replaced at some point during the middle of the year so you’ll be ready for the next winter.
If you’re due to have an upgrade to your home heating system, there are many options available. One example that’s popular and which we often recommend to our customers is the high-efficiency condensing furnace.
How to Tell You Need a Late-Season Heating Replacement
Monday, February 1st, 2021This is not a situation you want to find yourself in: a failing heater when winter is still in force. Unfortunately, you can’t always control problems like this. Excellent regular maintenance can help make emergency replacements rare, but nothing is a 100% guarantee. Your best defense against the sudden replacement blues is to catch early indicators your heater is coming close to crashing so you can call a Holly, MI, HVAC contractor to replace it. Learn to strike first!
Okay, but what are the signs to watch for of a heater that’s about to go into a crash-dive? Here are a few to look for:
Understanding Risks of Delaying Furnace Replacement
Monday, March 30th, 2020The end of the winter season is a period when we recommend homeowners who have heating equipment that is older than 10 years give consideration to when it needs to be replaced. No, this doesn’t mean that a heating system that’s older than 10 years is an automatic replacement. But this is the period when the heater may start to show signs of wearing down, losing energy efficiency, and becoming a higher risk for a breakdown.
This is especially important for gas furnaces, which is probably the type of central heater your house uses. When you think about the recent performance of the furnace, are you on the fence about replacing it? We want to help you understand what kind of risks you’re taking if you delay replacing a furnace that needs it.