When the Michigan winter arrives, we know how important it is for you to have a heater that works when you need it most. At First Choice, we’re here to ensure your home stays warm and comfortable all season long. That’s why we want to discuss why regular heater maintenance is so important for your home in Fenton.
First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating System Repair’
Why Regular Heater Maintenance Matters
Monday, December 2nd, 2024Why Your Heater Is Costing More to Run at the End of Winter
Monday, February 26th, 2024As winter starts to head toward its end, many homeowners may notice an unexpected spike in their heating bills. After the previous months with a steady monthly utility bill, this sudden change can feel disconcerting. Some people might just ignore it, but we’re glad you’ve taken the time to seek some information about this switch in your heating bills.
In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons why your heater might be costing more to run at the end of winter, shedding light on common issues. We’re the HVAC company in Brighton, MI you can count on for any service that will get your heater back in the best shape.
How to Avoid as Many Heating Repairs as Possible
Monday, December 4th, 2023One of the last bills you ever expect is a repair call for your heater, especially because we all know there’s no way to properly plan for the amount you’ll hear from the technician that shows up. There’s so many problems that could happen and so many components in your heating system that it’s hard to project, so the next best thing? Prevent as many problems as possible from occurring in the first place.
Through providing heating repair in Brighton, MI, we’ve seen just about every heating problem you can imagine. We’re confident that we can not only help you with your current heating problems, but help you learn how to prevent future ones, and that starts right now.
How to Spot Bad Local Heating Contractors
Monday, July 17th, 2023The last thing you want in your home is a set of bad contractors who don’t care about what they’re doing. Your heating system needs some TLC, not a quick fix that won’t last. So how do you spot these bad contracting companies in the first place so you can avoid them?
Good heating contractors in Howell present themselves in a specific way that’s immediately distinct from the rest. This is what you should look for so you know if you’re dealing with quality heating contractors or not.
What to Look for in Professional Heating Contractors
Monday, January 30th, 2023You just moved into your new home, you have a laundry list of services that need to be done to get it in top shape, and you’re feeling overwhelmed. We’ve all been there.
When it comes time to choose your heating and cooling contractors to help you manage your furnace, air conditioner, and indoor air quality, you want the best of the best (and you shouldn’t settle for less).
Let’s go through the list of what you deserve from heating contractors in Highland and how they should help you take care of your home.
Basic Questions to Ask About Your Home’s Heating Performance This Winter
Monday, March 14th, 2022As winter wraps up and people start looking forward to using their air conditioning systems, we recommend homeowners take time to consider their heating. True, you soon won’t need to have your heating system running, but spring offers an opportunity to make upgrades, repairs, and even full system replacements to a heater.
So in this post, we want to help you consider how well your heater performed through the winter it just went through. This can help you decide if you need to call us for critical HVAC service in Brighton, MI during spring, when you can take advantage of the slower schedule for HVAC technicians and the milder weather.
Is That Furnace Repair Worth the Cost?
Monday, February 28th, 2022
rustic old furnace
If an expensive appliance in your home breaks, your first thought won’t be to simply toss it out but to have it professionally repaired. Life would get extremely expensive if you kept replacing dishwashers, refrigerators, furnaces, and air conditioners the moment they showed signs of trouble.
On the other hand, all appliances have life cycles and will not last forever. As an appliance ages, it will accrue more repairs and begin to work less effectively and efficiently. At a certain point, you’ll have to make the choice about investing in another repair or getting a new appliance.
We’re experts when it comes to furnace repair in Burton, MI, so we can help you understand when it’s worthwhile to repair an old furnace and when it’s time to move on with a new one.
Why the Burners in Your Furnace Won’t Stay Lit
Monday, February 14th, 2022A gas furnace works by combusting natural gas sent to the burners, which produce hot combustion gas the heater uses to warm the air entering the ductwork of the home. In most modern furnaces, an electronic ignition system lights the burners once gas starts flowing to them, and the burners remain on as long as necessary for the furnace to heat the house to the desired temperature.
You may find yourself in a colder house if the burners in your furnace don’t remain lit but keep going out early. There may be a simple explanation for this problem, but in many cases you’ll need to call a professional for furnace service Brighton, MI. Working with a gas furnace, as with any gas-powered appliance, is potentially dangerous for someone who isn’t licensed and equipped for the job.
What might cause the burners in your furnace to go out early? Here are some possibilities…
How a Malfunctioning Furnace Can Affect Your Home’s Air Quality
Monday, January 3rd, 2022When you run your HVAC system, it circulates air throughout the house, first drawing it in through return air ducts and then sending it back out it the rooms through the supply ducts. During the winter, you’ll run the furnace to heat up this air, and that means the effects of the furnace are felt all around the house. So it makes sense that if the furnace isn’t working right, it can have an effect on your home’s indoor air quality … aside from making it less hot, of course.
Below we’ll look at several ways a malfunctioning furnace can have a negative effect on the air quality in your house.
How to Manage If Your Furnace Fails This Winter
Monday, December 20th, 2021The average low temperature during our winters is 15°F. Some other parts of the Midwest get even colder, but 15°F is still extremely cold and nothing you want to face in your house unless you have a powerful and reliable furnace to warm you.
The good news is that if you have the right furnace and you’ve already scheduled its pre-season maintenance from HVAC professionals, the heater likely will make it through the season without an emergency breakdown. But there’s always a chance you might have a failed furnace at some point in the season, probably on one of the coldest days because that’s when the furnace has to put in the most work.
In the event your furnace fails, run through a series of troubleshooting steps, such as this one we posted two years ago. If those don’t work, shut off the furnace completely at the furnace switch (this will help keep you safe) and call our experts for furnace repair in Brighton, MI. We’ll be there as soon as we can, but you’ll need to find ways to manage the cold temperatures until then. We have some tips about that: