First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog: Posts Tagged ‘air conditioning tips’

Your AC’s Evaporator Coils—Explained!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

If you’ve heard an HVAC technician discussing making repairs to an air conditioner—possibly your air conditioner—you may have overheard terms you didn’t fully understand. For example, the evaporator coils. You might know evaporate coils have something to do with cooling the house, but not exactly what.

We’re here to help you better understand this essential part of how your air conditioner works. This isn’t to give you DIY advice, however! When it comes to fixing trouble with the evaporator coils, or any other part of your AC, always trust professionals for the service.

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Tips to Lower Your Cooling Costs

Monday, June 11th, 2018

checkmark-greenThere’s no way to avoid a rise in electrical costs during the summer if you have a central air conditioning system. The air conditioner consumes electrical power to run the fans and the compressor, and this comes at a cost. But the cost doesn’t have to be as high as it currently is! There are ways to reduce the price of a comfortably cool home over this summer, and the many summers to come.

Here are our top tips for conquering the high cost of cooling:

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How to Shut Down an Air Conditioner for the Season

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

air-conditioning-unitsYou may still need to have your air conditioning system running for a stretch longer, since the fall can sometimes pull out surprise heat waves. But eventually, you’ll look at the upcoming weather forecast, see the low temperatures, and know that the cold weather is here to stay… at least until spring.

It’s important to have your heating system tuned-up and inspected before the cold weather, and you can arrange for this with our experts in HVAC in Brighton, MI. We offer maintenance for a range of heating systems, including furnaces and boilers.

But there’s something else you need to do once the air conditioner turns off for the season. No, the AC doesn’t need maintenance, not yet. (That will come in the spring.) But if you simply turn off the AC and leave it, it can suffer damage over the winter that may jeopardize its operation when you need it again. Here are steps to take to “winterize” your air conditioner. And remember, if you know your AC has a repair need, don’t let the repair go just because it’s the end of the cooling season.

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