First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

My AC’s Compressor Died! Do I Need to Replace the Whole AC?

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

frightened-womanOkay, we know this is an urgent, even alarming problem. When an air conditioning system’s compressor burns out, its AC can’t provide any cooled air. The compressor is what allows the AC to circulate refrigerant and move heat from inside the house to cool down. (A few months ago we wrote a blog post detailing exactly what a compressor does.) Without a working compressor, the air conditioner will only circulate room temperature air around the ventilation system.

You may have heard that replacing a dead compressor is so expensive that you’re better off having a complete air conditioning replacement. This is true sometimes, but not always. Below we’ll look at the different replacement options and help you think about the right choice for your situation.

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What to Check When Your AC Stops Working

Monday, August 19th, 2019

man-and-fanWhenever an appliance stops working in your house, it’s not a highlight of the day. But there is a big difference in finding out the microwave won’t turn on and discovering the air conditioning system isn’t cooling the house—especially during a hot late summer day!

A failed AC is something you’ll want remedied as soon as possible. In many cases, this requires calling for air conditioning repair in Davison, MI from professionals like the technicians at First Choice. But an AC that won’t turn on or won’t provide cooling may not be an emergency repair problem. Before you call for a technician, make several basic checks to see if a simple explanation is behind the failure to cool.

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The Big Mistake People Make About AC Refrigerant

Monday, August 5th, 2019

copper-tubesWe don’t expect our customers to be experts at how their air conditioning systems run. After all, that’s why professionals like us exist! However, there are a few basic facts about air conditioning that we’d like more people to know, because they help with understanding when repairs are necessary and what certain warning signs mean.

One of the biggest mistaken ideas people have about air conditioning systems is that the refrigerant running through them needs periodic refills, same as putting gas in a car or getting new batteries for a remote control.

This is completely untrue! Except in cases of refrigerant leaks, air conditioning systems never need to have more refrigerant put in them.

Let’s get deeper into the specifics of this, because it can end up rescuing your AC.

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The AC Compressor: Why You Don’t Want It to Fail!

Monday, July 22nd, 2019

compressor-in-ac-unitA short quiz. What is the most important component in your air conditioning system?

  1. The blower fan
  2. The condenser coils
  3. The evaporator coils
  4. The compressor
  5. The thermostat
  6. All of the above

If you answered “6,” you’re right! There isn’t such a thing as “the most important component” out of options 1-6, because if any of these fail, you won’t have cooling from your AC. No fan means no air sent into the ventilation system. Losing either set of coils means the AC can’t carry out heat exchange. No thermostat means cooling can’t be turned on. And no compressor means the entire air conditioning system is dead and probably needs to be replaced.

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Ways We Can Improve Your Cooling This Summer

Monday, July 8th, 2019

temperature-guageWhen it comes to cooling your home during the summer season, “good enough” just isn’t good enough. Not if you ask a member of our team, anyway. We are the local HVAC  company in Brighton, MI, that you can count on to help you enjoy the level of comfort that you deserve, regardless of how hot it may be outside. Sometimes, that means upgrades to your system. In other instances, it may just mean a bit of rejuvenation.

Whatever the case, you need to know for certain that your AC is optimized and ready for action. You’ll have no doubt about it when you choose to work with us. From central ACs to heat pumps and ductless mini splits, we’ve got the experience and expertise necessary to help any air conditioning system excel. So read on, reach out with any concerns that you may have, and give us the pleasure of helping you to live in the most comfortable environment possible.

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Warning Signs Your Commercial AC Is in Trouble

Monday, June 24th, 2019

commercial-ventThe early summer, before the heavy heat of July and August start up, is a good time to pay close attention to the air conditioning system for your commercial space. It’s just started doing it’s regular work, and making sure that it isn’t developing malfunctions is helpful to head off serious system breakdowns during the summer—the kind of breakdowns that lead to work stoppage and other costly interruptions.

The best step you can take to get ahead of potential repairs is to schedule routine maintenance for your commercial air conditioning in Brighton, MI. This should always be done during spring, before the system goes to work for the year. If you’ve already had maintenance for your AC, it should be in good shape. But just in case, watch for these warning signs you need to call our repair technicians for help:

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AC Tune-Up Benefits That May Surprise You

Monday, June 10th, 2019

family-posing-in-kitchenA pre-summer air conditioning tune-up in Brighton, MI is one of the best things a local homeowner can do for their comfort during the middle of the year. We’ve written before about the numerous benefits of scheduling regular AC tune-ups. And they are numerous: lower operating costs, fewer repair needs, sudden breakdown prevention, an extended service life, and all-around peace of mind.

But there’s even more to talk about. Below we’ve listed a few benefits of having routine air conditioning tune-ups from professionals that you may not have known about.

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If You Haven’t Scheduled AC Maintenance Yet, Now’s the Time!

Monday, May 27th, 2019

calendar-scheduling-bookOne of the most important jobs of a professional HVAC company in Highland, MI is seeing that its customers have their cooling equipment inspected and tuned-up before the hot weather arrives. Although it’s better to have maintenance done later than never, it’s best to have the service done during the spring.

In other words, if you haven’t scheduled maintenance for your home’s air conditioning system yet, we urge you to call us now to arrange for it. We’ll get you on the schedule for the most convenient appointment time.

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Pre-Summer Commercial HVAC Services Are Essential!

Monday, May 13th, 2019

First Choice offers excellent residential air conditioning services, but people may not know we’re also skilled with commercial air conditioning in Highland, MI and all throughout the surrounding areas. We want to help your commercial space remains cool through a hot summer so your business stays up and running. A failing air conditioner can mean loss of revenue and overheating equipment.

No service is more important for protecting your commercial air conditioning from summer time problems than regular maintenance.

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Your AC’s Evaporator Coils—Explained!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

air-conditioning-coilsIf you’ve heard an HVAC technician discussing making repairs to an air conditioner—possibly your air conditioner—you may have overheard terms you didn’t fully understand. For example, the evaporator coils. You might know evaporate coils have something to do with cooling the house, but not exactly what.

We’re here to help you better understand this essential part of how your air conditioner works. This isn’t to give you DIY advice, however! When it comes to fixing trouble with the evaporator coils, or any other part of your AC, always trust professionals for the service.

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