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First Choice Heating & Cooling Blog

Overheating AC! How It Happens, How to Prevent It


As summer temperatures soar, the last thing you want is for your air conditioner to overheat and leave you sweltering. We understand the frustration of dealing with an overheated AC unit, which is why we’ve created this guide to help you understand why it happens and how you can prevent it. We’re always ready to help with whatever air conditioning repair in Howell, MI you need.

What Causes an AC to Overheat?

1. Dirty Air Filters

Air filters are crucial for maintaining good airflow within your AC system. When these filters become clogged with dust and debris, they restrict airflow, causing the AC to work harder than it should. This overexertion can lead to overheating.

2. Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is essential for your AC to cool your home effectively. If there’s a leak, the refrigerant levels drop, causing the AC to struggle to cool the air. This can result in the unit running continuously and eventually overheating.

3. Blocked Condenser Coils

The condenser coils in your outdoor unit dissipate heat from your home to the outside. If these coils are covered in dirt, leaves, or other debris, they can’t release heat effectively, causing the system to overheat.

4. Faulty Fan Motors

The fan motors in your AC system are responsible for circulating air. If these motors fail or operate inefficiently, they can’t move air properly, leading to overheating.

5. Electrical Issues

Faulty wiring or other electrical issues can cause your AC to overheat. These issues can result from poor installation, age, or wear and tear on the system.

How to Prevent Your AC from Overheating

Preventing your AC from overheating requires regular maintenance and a few proactive measures. Here are some steps you can take to keep your AC running smoothly and efficiently.

1. Schedule Annual Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial for keeping your AC in top condition. We recommend scheduling annual maintenance with our team to ensure your system is clean, efficient, and free from potential issues.

2. Set Your Thermostat to a Higher Temperature

Setting your thermostat to a higher temperature when you’re not home can reduce the workload on your AC unit. This simple adjustment can prevent your system from running continuously and reduce the risk of overheating. Aim to keep your thermostat around 78°F when you’re home and higher when you’re away.

3. Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear

Ensure that the area around your outdoor unit is free from obstructions such as plants, debris, and other objects. This allows for proper airflow and helps the condenser coils dissipate heat effectively. Regularly check and clean the area around the unit to maintain optimal performance.

4. Monitor Your System

Keep an eye on your AC system and be alert for any signs of trouble, such as unusual noises, reduced airflow, or frequent cycling. Addressing these issues early can prevent them from escalating into more serious problems, including overheating.

5. Upgrade Your System

If your AC unit is old or frequently overheating despite regular maintenance, it may be time to consider an upgrade. Modern AC systems are more energy-efficient and reliable, reducing the risk of overheating. At First Choice Heating & Cooling, we can help you select and install a new, efficient system tailored to your home’s needs.

We’re committed to helping you stay cool and comfortable. Contact us today to schedule annual maintenance or to discuss any concerns you have about your AC. Together, we can ensure your home remains a cool oasis all summer long.

First Choice Heating & Cooling serves Fenton and the surrounding areas. If your home had a voice … it would call First Choice! 

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